Wow...what a weekend to be honest...Where to start...well Wellington had the worst weather ever, blessing myself, felila and campo with mad delays to fly up to the AK....(again)....after mad deliberation, confusion and considerable hussle from our behalfs we managed to sneak into the only plane leaving Wellington that day...we ended up on the plane with "Cut off your hands" and Mr Sicc and Young Sid...Now these dudes officially fly Soul plane, rock the fresh lines, dark shades and crispy fresh tall tee...where the Cut off your hands, rock the Grey, grey, black combo...someone needs to throw some colour at those cats!! We hit down in AK, and catch up with Sam and Ailsa, followed by mad rush to get the Sky sports up and running for the game....
Holy shit that game was ridiculously dumb and pointless, despite our win...s-h-i-t...we then ended up going to Pete's Halloween partay, which included a shit load of finger snacks, flava flav, ninja, amy winehouse, geek, woody from toy story (?), teen wolf, flashdance, Mr. T and heaps of others...After re-enacting the "everything" dance and confessing my undesirable love for ebony from "the Tribe" and how I used to watch her when I used to live in Luxembourg as a kid
HIGHLIGHT: Sam and Campo discussing movies, in which Sam asks Campo to unzip him so he can piss...
Ever wondered what it looks like waking up at 3am in the morning and looking outside your kitchen window to see a Bit Red Raptor being aided to pee by a knife wielding ninja...gutted you missed it!!
..it was time to go...and thats where my night ended because in 3 hours i was going to run the AUCKLAND HALF MARATHON...cue rocky music
A 6.30am start and finished 2 hours and 15 minutes later I had knocked down a pillar, followed by the most horrific chaffing ever...prompting aisla to title me Mr Chaffy Ball Bags...or something like that...imagine the feeling of water trickling down your leg , although you then think it's blood, thats seeping from your balls and ass crack, it feels like some hindu muhh fucker is doing some real life pins and needle voodoo shit on you...it feels like karma, like that time you ripped a flys wings off and now its pay back!!! It feels like you have no reason to walk anymore, let alone talk, you feel helpless and disorientated, and more than anything else crippled...THATS what greeted me when i finished!! CLASSIC...Aside from seeing a few celebs run it for charity like that dude from Breakfast "Brendan Pongi?" and "Ieremia something...the lady" - who cut the toilet lines before the run...bitch nah...ahahaha...
After the most incredible brunch somewhere in Auckland, (chicken pasta...feel like sirvere writing on all the asian joints he hits up over in aussie)...we ended up at a beach somewhere in Auckland and grabbed ice cream...The beach, the weather, the company was priceless...Theres something satisfying about going to the beach and taking your kicks off, exposing feet whiter than A4 paper, and strolling in the sun while still be comfortable ahahha...good times yahhhh heard...this then followed by Miss Rap Supreme and Ailsa reciting the latest in Celeb gossip and sam downloading The Hills, a meal at Wendy Burgers, spilling the chips, a flight back to 04 which included kids throwing notes to each other, and decent leg space...we had completed a good 24 hours of mayhem...
There is something incredible about being able to say that you can run 21km and not walk any of it, and just keep on going...very eye opening, just next time will have power supplies of vasaline ready to go on command and maybe take my ipod next time...ohh yes there will be a next time...now back to saving for my trip to La, Vegas and NY next year!!!
Quote of the Month: Eat Shit
You know Rose played a prostitute on The Tribe... true story!