Signed, sealed, and delivered to my feet, hands, box, bag, fuck it i got em and Im going to flaunt the shit out of it...Fuck that haters, i bite the hype, i hunted and i achieved!
People hate the Yeezy cuz its hype...thats all it is...this is the first time NIKE ever actually created a shoe name after a musician "kanye west"....and its of bape and jordan 5's alike with a glow in the dark sole...These shoes make the collection for now and will an ever impending retail increase on ebay its not just a dope sneaker, but also an investment!
So...i tried everwhere, called norway, states, poland, france holland even the kilates boys didnt have them...i then head down to LIMITED EDITION...leaders in the sneaker game WORLDWIDE hands down...holding tier 0, consortium, acg, bbc, jordan etc theyre hype with a store set like a library its ridiculous....anyways i see the yeezys but in my mind im thinkin nah theyll only have a us 9 or 8 left like the other i ask this dude, and i tell him my story...he looks at me up and down, he smiles, he makes me wait, he smiles, and he politely says to me and felila, come with me...
So we walk, and walk down winding streets, illusive buildings tower over us, alley ways approach made better by great conversation (his name is angel...oooooh yes u are) and he owns and runs LIMITED EDITION in barcelona...look out for sneaker freaker 15 for a write he takes us to show room/stock room and low key store called OPIUM thats affiliated with him...I look in and thought i was in SUPREME LA...dudes jamming OG jordan 11's (you like that aye sam!), fragment tennis classics lyyin round, a clock made of jordans and under a glass platter thing was a pair of yeezys
He says to me that everyone has wanted it but for the wrong reasons, i.e ebay or just cuz its dope...i told him about marek (who i work with) and how i had to bring this home to show his new born child (mika...this ones for you bro)! and there he had it the last like a glove and where as 3 other stores I went to were selling them for 300 euro a pair he spot it for 250 for me...what a dude...he really was the nicest dude in the game...he mentions openinig up a sneaker store in London and that recession is bullshit, and we talk about the carharrt store and how you have to ring a bell to get in (but why when no ones inside ahahha)
1 hour later, a friend later, a yeezy later, and a great girlfriend who helped me fund them, i walked away a happy happy ANGEL thank you and yes I will email you that stuff, and thank you for the next 3 colourways to come...your truely are the man
And that was it...after being told to eat shit, that it wasnt going to happen and way to many phone calls...i got them...its a hobby, its a passion, but at the end of the day they are just sneakers...but for me it was telling myself i wasnt going to leave europe without them, and i haven't...mind over matter mother fuckers and right now the mind is proving a whole lot of people wrong!
1 love...t minus 20 days till the next colourway!
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